Raksha Bandhan 2021: Traditionally celebrated by Hindus, Raksha Bandhan is a celebration where a sister ties a charm or a special necklace, likewise called rakhi, around her sibling's wrist. This represents love and insurance. This year, it will be praised on August 22. 

Raksha Bandhan is seen on the last day of the Hindu schedule month of Shraavana. In Sanskrit, the articulation in a real sense signifies "obligation of insurance, commitment or care". Analysts recommend that the celebration has its beginnings in society culture. 

Raksha Bandhan is known to be established in the act of regional or town exogamy, in which a lady weds out of her natal town and her folks, by custom don't visit her in her wedded home. It is on Raksha Bandhan that hitched ladies return to their folks' home for the service. Today, the celebration has gotten more representative, in spite of the fact that it keeps on being exceptionally famous. 

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On this day, sisters and siblings trade gifts and furthermore appreciate happy dishes with their families. It is praised in various manners in various pieces of the country. In West Bengal, for example, it is otherwise called 'Jhulan Purnima', where Lord Krishna and Radha are loved. In the Koli people group in Maharashtra, individuals observe Raksha Bandhan alongside Narali Pournima (coconut day celebration) 


Inspiring Raksha Bandhan Caption For Instagram or Whatsapp(in english) 

1. No preferred companion over a sibling and there could be no greater sibling than you. 

2. On the off chance that Tom and Jerry were kin they would resemble this... 

3. You have consistently upheld and supported me at whatever point I was down. 

4. The best part is to grow up with a sister with a similar mental issue. 

5. A sister is a sorry excuse for a mother. 

6. A sister = Unconditional love. 

7. Isolated by chugli, joined by affection. Isolated by chocolates, joined by affection. 

8. "There is no time like the bygone era when you and I were youthful!" - Oliver Wendell Holmes 

9. We conflict. We battle. We contend. However, my adoration for you is interminable. 

10. Irritating things are truly difficult to neglect, very much like you my sibling. Glad Rakhi! 

11. Rule of kin: If your kin gets something you need, 1) you attempt to take it, 2) break it, or 3) say it's bad. 

12. The sky is blue, feel is shade, my affection for you bhaiya is in every case valid! 

13. A sibling resembles a coconut, hard outwardly yet exceptionally delicate and delicate within. 

14. Tedha hai, standard mera hai! 

15. Is comfort anyplace more consoling than that in the arms of a sister? 

16. Cheerful Rakhi to my lockdown amigo. I suppose I'm left with you for the remainder of my life! 

17. Self-contradicting recollections of growing up together. 

18. Develop and juvenile simultaneously. Sisters are to be sure novel. 

19. You are never alone when there is a sister close to you. 

20. Huge torment with a major heart, that is my elder sibling. Joking! 

21. My defender and my enemy all moved into one: My older sibling 

22. I generally feel awful for my dates when they need to meet my sibling. Yet at the same time, cheerful Rakhi! 

23. "Your kin are the lone individuals on the planet who realize what it resembles to have been raised the manner in which you were." — Betsy Cohen 

24. life may be unusual, companions and partners may head out in different directions, however the adoration between a sibling and sister will consistently sparkle like sun beams. 

25. I looked for my spirit, however my spirit I was unable to see. I looked for my God, however my God evaded me. I looked for my sibling and I observed to be every one of the three." - Author Unknown 

26. "A sibling shares cherished recollections and adult dreams." - Author Unknown 

27. "Fortified .....for better or more awful, you are constantly associated." 

28. "For there is no companion like a sister In quiet or turbulent climate; To root for one the dreary way, to get one in the event that one wanders off-track, to lift one on the off chance that one reels down, to reinforce while one stands." - Christina Rossetti 

29. "A sister is both your mirror - and your inverse." - Elizabeth Fishel 

30. "We acquire and lose things consistently. Be that as it may, trust me on a certain something. You'll never lose me. I will consistently be here. Glad Raksha Bandhan!" - Anonymus 

31. "In the treat of life, you, my dear sister are the chocolate chips. Glad Raksha Bandhan." 

32. "There could be no other love like the adoration for a sibling. There could be no other love like the affection from a sibling" - Astrid Alauda 

33. "It is possible that recollections will blur with time yet the affection that sibling and sister offer won't ever disappear, rather it will increase throughout the long term." 

34. "A string tied and a lifetime connection began a very long time prior" 

35. "Who needs a hero when you have a Brother?" 

36. Here's to my eternity individual bug regulator! Glad Rakhi Bhai! 

37. To the lone day, we can put a full stop to our WWE battle. Cheerful Rakhi today and good luck to you tomorrow! 

38. The virtue and strength of the relationship of sibling and sister is never-ending and heavenly 

39. The best inclination in life is to have a sibling who consistently battles with me yet can't see a tear in my eye. 

40. Our adoration for one another can't be seen yet felt t


राखी एक प्रेमाचं प्रतीक आहे
राखी एक विश्वास आहे
तुझ्या रक्षणार्थ मी सदैव सज्ज असेन
हाच विश्वास रक्षाबंधनाच्या या पवित्र दिनी मी तुला देऊ इच्छितो !

बंध हा प्रेमाचा, नाव जयाचे राखी,
बांधिते भाऊराया आज तुझ्या हाती….
औक्षिते प्रेमाने, उजळूनी दीपज्योती…..
रक्षावे मज सदैव, अन अशीच फुलावी प्रीती….
बंधन असूनही, बंधन हे थोडेच,
या तर हळव्या रेशीमगाठी…….

काही नाती खूप अनमोल असतात,
हातातील राखी मला याची कायम आठवण करून देत राहील…
तुझ्यावर कोणतेही संकट येऊ नये,
आणि आलच तर त्याला आधी मला सामोरे जावे लागेल…

रेशमी धाग्यत रंग आहे प्रेमाचा वात्सल्य, आपुलकी, जिव्हाळ्याचा..
दादा तू नेहमी आनंदात रहा यशाचे शिखर गाठत रहा हीच इच्छा…
राखी पौर्णिमेच्या शुभेच्छा!

दृढ बंध हा राखीचा,
दोन मनांचं अतूट एक बंधन आहे……
हळव्या नात्यांच्या धाग्यावर उमलनारं,
अलवार स्पंदन आहे…..
रक्षाबंधनाच्या शुभेच्छा!

रक्षणाचे वचन, प्रेमाचे बंधन
घेऊन आला हा श्रावण
लाख लाख शुभेच्छा तुला
आज आहे बहिण – भावाचा पवित्र सण
रक्षाबंधनाच्या शुभेच्छा!

राखी एक प्रेमाचं प्रतीक आहे
राखी एक विश्वास आहे
तुझ्या रक्षणार्थ मी सदैव सज्ज असेन
हाच विश्वास रक्षाबंधनाच्या या पवित्र दिनी मी तुला देऊ इच्छितो !

बंध हा प्रेमाचा, नाव जयाचे राखी,
बांधिते भाऊराया आज तुझ्या हाती….
औक्षिते प्रेमाने, उजळूनी दीपज्योती…..
रक्षावे मज सदैव, अन अशीच फुलावी प्रीती….
बंधन असूनही, बंधन हे थोडेच,
या तर हळव्या रेशीमगाठी…….

काही नाती खूप अनमोल असतात,
हातातील राखी मला याची कायम आठवण करून देत राहील…
तुझ्यावर कोणतेही संकट येऊ नये,
आणि आलच तर त्याला आधी मला सामोरे जावे लागेल…

रेशमी धाग्यत रंग आहे प्रेमाचा वात्सल्य, आपुलकी, जिव्हाळ्याचा..
दादा तू नेहमी आनंदात रहा यशाचे शिखर गाठत रहा हीच इच्छा…
राखी पौर्णिमेच्या शुभेच्छा!

कुठल्याच नात्यात नसेल
एवढी ओढ आहे,
म्हणूनच भाऊ बहिणीचं हे नातं,
खूप खूप गोड आहे…
रक्षाबंधनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!

रक्षाबंधनाचा सण हा आला
ताई दादाच्या आठवणी जाग्या झाल्या,
एका राखीत सर्व काही सामावले
बहीण भावाचे प्रेम जगावेगळे…

राखीचे नाते लाखमोलाचे
बंधन आहे बहीण भावाचे
नुसता धागा नाही त्यात
भाबड्या बहिणीचे प्रेम आहे त्यात
भावाच्या वचनाची शपथ आहे त्यात
रक्षाबंधनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!


लाल गुलाबी राखी से रंग रहा संसार,

सूरज की किरणे, खुशिओ की बहार,

चाँद की चाँदनी, अपनों का प्यार,

मुबारक हो आपको राखी का त्योहार।


वो लड़ना, वो झगड़ना और वो मानना,

यही होता हे भाई बहन का प्यार,

उसी प्यार को बढ़ाने आ रहा है,

रक्षाबंधन का त्यौहार।


वो लड़ना, वो झगड़ना और वो मानना,

यही होता हे भाई बहन का प्यार,

उसी प्यार को बढ़ाने आ रहा है,

रक्षाबंधन का त्यौहार।

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