PUBG New State Release date and Time, Download Link, and many more.

PUBG New State Release date and Time, Download Link, and many more.

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    PUBG New State Will Globally Launch Tomorrow at 4.00(UTC).PUBG New State will Release on Android and also on IOS.PUBG New State is available for download on the Play Store for Android users and The game is available For IOS Users on App Store. Game developer Company KRAFTON Has Teasing the PUBG New State from Starting of this year and Finally, The Game is Releasing on Today. A few Days Ago KRAFTON is Released battleground mobile India (BGMI).PUBG New State is an innovative Version of BGMI. The Game is Available for Pre-registration on the Play store and also on App Store

    Here is The Official Post From PUBG New State:

    PUBG New State Release Date and Time:)

    PUBG New State Release on 11 November at 4.00 Universal Time Coordinated(UTC)

    PUBG New State Download Links:)

    Game developer Krafton will release the game on both Platforms. Android as well as on iOS.Android users will download the game from the Google Play store while IOS users will need to go on Apple App Store.

    PUBG New State APK + OBB Download Links:)

    PUBG New State APK File has not been released officially but Some Third-Party Several Creators Provide OBB File that is run the Game.
    Recommended For You:- You Can Do not Download PUBG New State From Third Party, Wait For Official Release.


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